物理学科Seminar第291讲 受限的线性碳链:制备与物性

创建时间:  2016/06/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:受限的线性碳链:制备与物性(Confined linear carbon chains: Synthesis and properties)
报 告 人:石磊 博士 (维也纳大学)
邀 请 人:赵新洛 教授
The extreme instability and strong chemical activity of carbyne, the infinite sp1 hybridizedcarbon chain, are responsible for its low possibility to survive at ambient conditions. We successfully synthesized extremely long linear carbon chains (LLCCs) inside thin double walled carbon nanotubes as nanoreactors and protectors. Their existence, structure, lengths and yield have been proved by Raman, HRTEM, STEM and XRD. The results show that the single-triple bonded LLCCs including thousands of carbon atoms have at least six new Raman peaks, some of which are even stronger than the G-band. The optimum growth conditions, for example, diameter of the host tubes, annealing temperatures and time were carefully studied. The interaction and charge transfer between the LLCCs and their host nanotubes were explored using resonance Raman, low-temperature Raman and DFT calculations. Furthermore, the band gap of the LLCCs was examined by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The results suggest that the band gap of LLCCs in the range of 1.8 - 2.3 eV is inversely proportional to their lengths, which is also perfectly consistent with our DFT calculations.

上一条:物理学科Seminar第292讲 物理学的七大奇迹(Seven wonders of physics)

下一条:37000cm威尼斯“当代科学前沿讲坛”第225讲 Organic-based Magnets: New Chemistry, Physics, and Materials for this Millennium(有机系磁铁: 新型的化学物理材料)

物理学科Seminar第291讲 受限的线性碳链:制备与物性

创建时间:  2016/06/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:受限的线性碳链:制备与物性(Confined linear carbon chains: Synthesis and properties)
报 告 人:石磊 博士 (维也纳大学)
邀 请 人:赵新洛 教授
The extreme instability and strong chemical activity of carbyne, the infinite sp1 hybridizedcarbon chain, are responsible for its low possibility to survive at ambient conditions. We successfully synthesized extremely long linear carbon chains (LLCCs) inside thin double walled carbon nanotubes as nanoreactors and protectors. Their existence, structure, lengths and yield have been proved by Raman, HRTEM, STEM and XRD. The results show that the single-triple bonded LLCCs including thousands of carbon atoms have at least six new Raman peaks, some of which are even stronger than the G-band. The optimum growth conditions, for example, diameter of the host tubes, annealing temperatures and time were carefully studied. The interaction and charge transfer between the LLCCs and their host nanotubes were explored using resonance Raman, low-temperature Raman and DFT calculations. Furthermore, the band gap of the LLCCs was examined by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The results suggest that the band gap of LLCCs in the range of 1.8 - 2.3 eV is inversely proportional to their lengths, which is also perfectly consistent with our DFT calculations.

上一条:物理学科Seminar第292讲 物理学的七大奇迹(Seven wonders of physics)

下一条:37000cm威尼斯“当代科学前沿讲坛”第225讲 Organic-based Magnets: New Chemistry, Physics, and Materials for this Millennium(有机系磁铁: 新型的化学物理材料)