物理学科Seminar第313讲 光晶格中费米超流体的非线性现象---能级的燕尾结构和倍周期解

创建时间:  2016/09/29  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Non-linear phenomena in superfluid Fermi gases in an optical lattice --- swallowtails and period doubling(光晶格中费米超流体的非线性现象---能级的燕尾结构和倍周期解)
报 告 人:Gentaro Watanabe (渡边元太郎 教授)(浙江大学物理系和近代物理研究所)
邀 请 人:张永平教授
Interplay between the non-linearity due to the emergence of the superfluid order parameter and the effect of a periodic potential is one of the most important issues of ultracold atomic gases in an optical lattice [1]. However, the study of non-linear phenomena of superfluid Fermi gases is at a very infant stage unlike that for Bose gases. In this seminar, we will discuss two types of non-linear phenomena in this system, which we have found recently: 1) the loop structure in the energy band called "swallowtail" [2] and 2) multiple period states whose period does not coincide with that of the lattice, instead, a multiple of it [3]. Throughout this talk, we will shed light on unique properties of superfluid Fermi gases which are absent in the bosonic counterpart.

[1] GW, B. P. Venkatesh, and R. Dasgupta, Entropy 18, 118 (2016).
[2] GW, S. Yoon, and F. Dalfovo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 270404 (2011).
[3] S. Yoon, F. Dalfovo, T. Nakatsukasa, and GW, New J. Phys. 18, 023011 (2016).

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物理学科Seminar第313讲 光晶格中费米超流体的非线性现象---能级的燕尾结构和倍周期解

创建时间:  2016/09/29  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Non-linear phenomena in superfluid Fermi gases in an optical lattice --- swallowtails and period doubling(光晶格中费米超流体的非线性现象---能级的燕尾结构和倍周期解)
报 告 人:Gentaro Watanabe (渡边元太郎 教授)(浙江大学物理系和近代物理研究所)
邀 请 人:张永平教授
Interplay between the non-linearity due to the emergence of the superfluid order parameter and the effect of a periodic potential is one of the most important issues of ultracold atomic gases in an optical lattice [1]. However, the study of non-linear phenomena of superfluid Fermi gases is at a very infant stage unlike that for Bose gases. In this seminar, we will discuss two types of non-linear phenomena in this system, which we have found recently: 1) the loop structure in the energy band called "swallowtail" [2] and 2) multiple period states whose period does not coincide with that of the lattice, instead, a multiple of it [3]. Throughout this talk, we will shed light on unique properties of superfluid Fermi gases which are absent in the bosonic counterpart.

[1] GW, B. P. Venkatesh, and R. Dasgupta, Entropy 18, 118 (2016).
[2] GW, S. Yoon, and F. Dalfovo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 270404 (2011).
[3] S. Yoon, F. Dalfovo, T. Nakatsukasa, and GW, New J. Phys. 18, 023011 (2016).

上一条:37000cm威尼斯“当代科学前沿讲坛”第230讲 拓扑自旋动力学

下一条:物理学科Seminar 重金属氧化物的结构和电子相变