报告题目Title:Towards Generic Mathematical Descriptors for Structural Analysis and Their Applications in the Property Predictions for Molecular Crystals (建立对于分子晶体结构普适的数学描述符及其在物性预测上的应用)
报 告 人Speaker:Dr Jianliang Jack Yang 杨建樑博士 (School of Chemistry, University of Southampton 英国南安普顿大学化学系)
报告时间Time:2016年10月12日(周三) 9:00
报告地点Venue:校本部E106(37000cm威尼斯量子与分子结构国际中心SHU ICQMS)
The steady progress in the field of organic crystal structure predictions (CSP), exemplified by successes in the most recent international CSP blind test, has demonstrated great promise in using this computational tool in advancing our understanding in polymorphism. With global lattice energy exploring algorithms, the number of putative crystal structures generated is typically on the order between 10 to 100K, which poses a significant challenge in extracting structural patterns and thus generalizing useful chemical insights in an automated fashion. A more challenging task is how to correlate this structural information with the predicted physical properties, such as the charge transport parameters for organic crystals. The later is crucial for advancing computer-guided material designs. Unlike molecular conformation samplings in gas/solution phases, where a plethora of dimensionality reduction techniques had been developed to extract intriguing features from the energy landscapes, less had been developed for molecular crystals, due to a lack of generic and robust descriptor to represent molecular crystals ubiquitously.
Dimer synthons are the most widely used term in describing molecular crystals. Starting with the crystal structure landscape of a polyaromatic molecule, I will show how a simple set of Steinhardt bond order parameters can be applied to target -stacking motifs in molecular crystals, and hence to predict nearest-neighbouring transfer integrals for calculating electron mobilities. I will then discuss how a more agnostic fingerprint (SOAP) can be used to describe more extended structural features in molecular crystals, not only that it leads to near-identical structural classification by human inspection, but excellent predictions on charge mobilities. Finally, building on the formalism of many-body expansion for energy evaluation in molecular crystals, it will be demonstrated that how to design different ‘similarity kernels’ for highlighting structural similarities in molecular crystals at different ‘length scales’, which is particularly important for characterising hydrogen-bondings in molecular crystals.