数学系Seminar第1388期 某些振荡曲线上的Fourier限制性定理

创建时间:  2016/12/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Dashan Fan  教授 (美国 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
报告摘要:Fourier restriction is a very interesting research topic in harmonic analysis, since its applications involve some core problems in harmonic analysis, such as Strichartz estimates and Bochner-Riesz means. In this talk, we will address our recent work on Fourier restriction on simple curves. We obtain the sharp (L^p, L^q) restriction estimate for simple curves in R^3, where n>2 (the result at n=2 was proved in 1974 by Sjolin) . This result is based on one of my recent papers joint with X. Chen and L. Wang.


欢迎教师、学生参加 !

上一条:物理系Seminar 太阳能应用中的极化氧化物的体材料光伏效应

下一条:物理学科Seminar第329讲 原子杂化光力学系统中量子特性

数学系Seminar第1388期 某些振荡曲线上的Fourier限制性定理

创建时间:  2016/12/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:Dashan Fan  教授 (美国 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
报告摘要:Fourier restriction is a very interesting research topic in harmonic analysis, since its applications involve some core problems in harmonic analysis, such as Strichartz estimates and Bochner-Riesz means. In this talk, we will address our recent work on Fourier restriction on simple curves. We obtain the sharp (L^p, L^q) restriction estimate for simple curves in R^3, where n>2 (the result at n=2 was proved in 1974 by Sjolin) . This result is based on one of my recent papers joint with X. Chen and L. Wang.


欢迎教师、学生参加 !

上一条:物理系Seminar 太阳能应用中的极化氧化物的体材料光伏效应

下一条:物理学科Seminar第329讲 原子杂化光力学系统中量子特性