报告主题:二元约束条件下, 图的不动顶点属性
报告人:Bernd Schroeder 教授 (University of Southern Mississippi)
报告时间:2017年 6月27日(周二)16:00
报告摘要:A graph is said to have the fixed vertex property iff every homomorphism from the graph to itself has a fixed point. We will discuss the relation of this property to other, more established fixed point properties, such as the one for ordered sets. Subsequently, we will focus on the question whether the fixed vertex property is preserved by a variety of product operations in graphs. For the lexicographic, cartesian and strong products, the question is still unresolved. The resolution of the question for the direct product relies heavily on using constraint satisfaction algorithms (path consistency and forward checking) from artificial intelligence. We will discuss the fundamentals of these algorithms, which are widely applicable throughout discrete mathematics, and we will provide an outlook how theoretical and computational approaches can combine to possibly resolve the open questions on products of graphs with the fixed vertex property.
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