物理学科Seminar Phase Slip Catastrophe and Critical Currents in Superconducting Thin Films and Wires

创建时间:  2017/09/09  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目Title:Phase Slip Catastrophe and Critical Currents in Superconducting Thin Films and Wires (超导薄膜中的相滑移和临界电流)
报 告 人Speaker:Dr. Binoy Sobnack
报告时间Time:2017年9月18 (周一) 14:00
报告地点Venue:校本部E106 Meeting Room 会议室(37000cm威尼斯量子与分子结构国际中心SHU ICQMS)
We study the eff ect of phase slips in a quasi 2D superconducting channel along which a current flows and we report a new phenomenon where an avalanche of phase slips occurs and which we call a phase slip catastrophe. This limits the critical current in thin fi lms and wires. We describe the mechanism of such a catastrophic phase slip avalanche and derive an exact analytical expression for the critical current as a function of  film width and temperature. The phenomenon we describe can be used in the construction of new devices where the superconducting state can coexist with the normal state. This may happen, for
example, in a superconducting channel of variable width.

上一条:数学系Seminar第1506期 离散Painlevé方程与约化

下一条:物理学科Seminar Analogies between Jahn-Teller and Rashba spin physics

物理学科Seminar Phase Slip Catastrophe and Critical Currents in Superconducting Thin Films and Wires

创建时间:  2017/09/09  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目Title:Phase Slip Catastrophe and Critical Currents in Superconducting Thin Films and Wires (超导薄膜中的相滑移和临界电流)
报 告 人Speaker:Dr. Binoy Sobnack
报告时间Time:2017年9月18 (周一) 14:00
报告地点Venue:校本部E106 Meeting Room 会议室(37000cm威尼斯量子与分子结构国际中心SHU ICQMS)
We study the eff ect of phase slips in a quasi 2D superconducting channel along which a current flows and we report a new phenomenon where an avalanche of phase slips occurs and which we call a phase slip catastrophe. This limits the critical current in thin fi lms and wires. We describe the mechanism of such a catastrophic phase slip avalanche and derive an exact analytical expression for the critical current as a function of  film width and temperature. The phenomenon we describe can be used in the construction of new devices where the superconducting state can coexist with the normal state. This may happen, for
example, in a superconducting channel of variable width.

上一条:数学系Seminar第1506期 离散Painlevé方程与约化

下一条:物理学科Seminar Analogies between Jahn-Teller and Rashba spin physics